$37.00 USD

Are you ready to build a 'Buyers List' using a Mini-Course Sales Page that converts (without hiring a copywriter or staring at blank googledocs?)

Grab the Sales Page Masterclass + Template for $17!  Reg $97

The Mini Course Blueprint

1. The Mini-Course Blueprint Video Lessons (Value $497)
2. Mini-Course Mockups for Canva (Value $197)
3. Mini-Course Dashboard (Value $97)

Bonus 1: Offer Clarity Questionnaire (Value $147)
Bonus 2: Launch with Less Checklist (Value $47)
Bonus 3: Evergreen Mini-Course Funnel Checklist (Value $97)

Total Value = $1082

Today's Price = $37

Backed by a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

What People Are Saying:

Marj has the ability to make something as complicated as launching a course into simple actionable steps, and that includes the tech part.

Robert Magat

I like your whole 'simplicity' approach. 😁 That’s the number one biggest thing that I see with you. I think this separates you from the rest in a huge, huge way!

Michael Guzman

When Marj asked me about our framework, I struggled to answer because it wasn't clear what mine was. Being on Marjorie's calls is so important, especially the mastermind sessions where we share our wins/struggles. From one call, I reflected on my most recent masterclass and realized that there was a missing piece to the promise I made in my offer. Lots to be done but I'm grateful for the help along the way. Thank you Simpli-Fighters!

Kingsley Grant

The IMPORTANT first steps determined my next steps. Now, in whatever I do... I also think of the word SIMPLE. Such a powerful word that keeps us going without confusion.

Van Nam Trinh

Marj, working with you changed my LIFE! I was able to go from NOTHING tangible and launch in 8 weeks with your help. It laid the foundation for my entire ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS, which I've never had before! Even after spending $40,000 in coaching!

JoAnne Johnson

You and this community have helped keep my dream ALIVE. Marj, you're a marketing genius and just amazing, can I put you in my pocket??

Roshauna Clarke

You come across as a simple, down-to-earth person, which gives me the feeling that I (too) can DO IT! I also love that the topics for the year have already been planned out and that every month is focused on actionable tasks!

Miriam Valentin

Marj's way of teaching makes everything clear in my stubborn mind. She simplified the process of launching my dream online business. She's so amazing that my easily-distracted 'sloth learner' brain has no choice but to implement the tasks!

Frances Durakovic

Marj has helped me realize that "Simple" is a great place to start. But she has also inspired me to go with what is the profit-producing activity right now! I have changed my whole thought process about how to get courses out there, and I'm thankful to Marj for this reframe.

Michele Fisher

Building an online business is complicated and requires experience. Marj has the ability to simplify everything like creating the frameworks as our foundation, and she takes the essence out of every action we need to take.

Larry Struharik

I kinda did this thing y'all... I fired my coach! Been with him for over a year now and have learned more from Marj in the last 3 weeks than in my whole year with him.

Lisa Storey